Practice for Progress not Perfect


You Don’t Have To Be Good To Start, But You Do Have To Start To Be Good

Something I often hear is ‘I wont be any good at Pilates so I won’t start’ but that is exactly a reason to start.

You won’t ever be good at something unless you try, put in the practice and just simply start.

It’s perfectly normal to not want to try something for fear of being ‘bad’ at it. Trust me I get it as a lifelong perfectionist this is something I have struggled with, however if Pilates has taught me anything it’s that perfect doesn’t exist.

Instead I try to encourage my clients to strive for progress instead of perfect.

If you strive to understand the exercise and your body a little better than you did yesterday then you will begin to see results, and focusing on the progress rather than the big end ‘perfect’ goal you start to notice the smaller things.

You see each step as an achievement and before you know it each step gradually builds up so that one day you can easily perform that exercise that you initially said you ‘couldn’t do’.


If you see Pilates as a continual method of learning rather than an end goal to reach then you will forever be its student, and always find new ways to apply the method to your body and life.

So why not give Pilates a go and start today, taking that first step to progress and forget about perfect. Who wants to be perfect anyway..much more fun to always learn something new!

Your Journey Awaits.

Patience and persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor.
— Joseph Pilates