My 3 Pillars of Teaching


I have 3 pillars that I like to teach by…

To Educate, to Encourage and to Inspire.

I chose these 3 because they speak to how I learn and have learnt about my own body and it’s capabilities.

Firstly I want to educate you, not only in the Pilates method where I will teach the exercises and how to execute them, but also in understanding HOW to move your body.

Ultimately I want to give each of you enough knowledge and power to become your own teacher. To begin to notice the little ways in which you move through life, so that you can decide whether there are any small changes you can make to create a more healthy aligned body.

I want to educate you to begin to have a deeper connection with your body that takes you beyond moving to look good and into moving to FEEL good.

Therein lies the magic that will lead to a healthy happy body and mind.

Secondly I hope to encourage you.

I aim to always be your biggest cheerleader, encouraging you to try things you think you "can't do" and be there to support you on the things that you find more difficult. When learning the Pilates method it is crucial to feel encouraged to continue, for there will be movements and exercises that will feel tough to begin with, but with perseverance and practice they will become easier.

For most people the mind can be the biggest stumbling block in mastering the method.

It can tell you that you “can’t do it” or that “you’ll never get there'“ before you’ve even tried, so my job is to continually cheer you on so that that little voice can become quiet and will allow you the pleasure of celebrating all the little wins along the journey.

Lastly my aim is to inspire you.

In my career as both a Pilates teacher and dancer I have had some of the most inspiring teachers and mentors, and I want to emulate this in my teaching.

I aim to inspire you to simply move more, to try new things and to begin the journey of truly loving your beautiful body.

Learning to appreciate all that it can do rather than fixate on all it can’t. When you move your body to FEEL good, and begin to notice how strong, how powerful and how blooming marvellous it is you will begin to enjoy all the beautiful ways your body can move with you through life.

The longest relationship you will ever have will be the one with yourself, so make it a good one!

Change happens through movement, and movement heals
— Joseph Pilates